Thursday, 19 May 2011

ELECTIONS: 129 Councillors have to walk home

Elections time is always a tense time on the Gravy Train – there’s always the risk for some of our passengers that their ticket will be revoked. Preparations started many weeks back when we asked Glen Agliotti if we could make use of some of his ‘heavies’. You see some of our more reluctant passengers may need a little persuasion to leave.

There’s only so much brute-force can achieve however: heaven knows how we will evict Khulubuse Zuma from the train should the need ever arise – the doors are only so wide. Thankfully, he is comfortably entrenched in his cabin and he’s in no danger of losing his free ride any time soon.

As I type, 129 ward councillors from the ANC have lost their seats, and with this all their Gravy Train privileges – you know, the cushy salary, easy hours, tenderpreneur opportunities and of course, the snack bar. For them, the next stop is the end of the line and they will be politely ejected. They will have to walk home.

New tickets will then be issued to all those who have won those seats and they will have the opportunity to take ride on this prestigious train. Whether they will take up that offer or not is up to them. Hell, if I’m blunt I hope they knuckle down and do some work for a change, we need all the space we can get - the train’s busy enough as it is.

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